If you want to find a souvenir / buy a souvenir in Bali:
Tuesday, February 22, 2011 | | |*) Joger (where hunting clothes words etc.)
Joger, open at 11:00 pm.
Actually Close at 18:00 pm.
Klo But you already are in Joger since pkl 17:45 pm,
then you can continue hunting tetep goods in the store Joger
and then just pay at the cashier's queue. Cashier cap over night.
I just wrote up on the counter around jam19: 00.
18:00 pm, the front door Joger already closed, so orang2 can not enter again.
(*) Klo buy souvenirs, do not be at the beach or in Kuta Square, Kuta or Legian in jl,
because very expensive, can fuck dg 10x 5x the normal price.
Klo in tourism Bedugul, namely toko2 small (like a stand) opposite the car park: including cheap (500-2rb cuman difference from the normal price) (some fixed prices, there are shops which must bbrp Nawar).
Klo in markets Sukowati, initial price = skitar 2x the normal price; Can be expensive (1x normal price) klo clever Nawar (ingat! must Nawar!).
Before the market Sukowati, there are shops, including cheap too (fixed prices (can not be nawar2).
Or it could be in Erland, jl Nusa Kambangan (Denpasar), cheap price (cheaper than kiosks in Bedugul), fixed prices (do not use Nawar). There are two stores bh Erland in Nusa Kambangan. Store a more complete Erland Erland dibanBiding 2.
This info I got from Mr. Made Agus (08123613017) (PT Mogen (Rent-Car)).
It is not in vain I'm rental car plus Mr Made Agus; very helpful at all.
* Do not forget to stop by the shop Titiles (jl Diponegoro, Denpasar),
there was ham, sausage pig, and beef jerky.
Price Sausages Pig = 50rb (Month October 2007)